National Accounts

Annual National Accounts 2021

The Central Administration of Statistics (CAS) Lebanon released the National Accounts estimates for the year 2021 with a revision of previous years estimates.

The methodology used is based on the System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008. 

      Data Sources and Compilation Methods

      Comments and Tables 2021

      2021 Tables in Excel

      Exchange rates for GDP

     How GDP was estimated in 2020 and 2021

Quarterly National Accounts 2021

 Upon Request  


Annual National Accounts 2004-2020

The Central Administration of Statistics (CAS) Lebanon released the National Accounts estimates for the year 2020 with a revision of previous years estimates.

The methodology used is based on the System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008.

Comments and Tables 2020

 2004-2020 Tables in Excel

 National Accounts 2020 Quarter4

 Exchange Rate for GDP

Changes to the methods of estimating GDP in 2020

Quarterly National Accounts 2020

CAS has recently switched from an annual system to a new quarterly system of national accounts. The sources and methods used to compile quarterly estimates of GDP are very similar to those used in the former annual system. The difference is that annual data sources may not be available for some months after the end of the year. Until then, some temporary quarterly indicators or projections are used. When the annual data becomes available, the quarterly estimates are revised to align with the annual ones so that, when the four quarters are added up, they result in the same annual numbers.

Quarterly GDP sources and methods

Comments and tables


Annual National Accounts 2004-2019 

The Central Administration of Statistics (CAS) Lebanon released the National Accounts estimates for the year 2019 with a revision of previous years estimates.

The methodology used is based on the System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008. 

National Accounts Data Sources and Compilation Methods

Language: English

Format: Pdf file (Download file:English)

Free of charge

National Accounts 2004-2019 Comments and Tables

Language: English

Format: Pdf file (Download file: English)

Free of charge

Quarterly National Accounts 2019

CAS has recently switched from an annual system to a new quarterly system of national accounts. The sources and methods used to compile quarterly estimates of GDP are very similar to those used in the former annual system. The difference is that annual data sources may not be available for some months after the end of the year. Until then, some temporary quarterly indicators or projections are used. When the annual data becomes available, the quarterly estimates are revised to align with the annual ones so that, when the four quarters are added up, they result in the same annual numbers.

Quarterly National Accounts Sources and Methods

Langauge: English

Format: pdf file(Download file:English)

 Free of charge

Quarterly National Accounts 2019 Comments and Tables

Langauge: English

Format: pdf file(Download file: English)

Free of charge











The Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey- round 3 (MICS3) questionnaires:




Statistics in Focus

SIF 1:  Labour Market In Lebanon

This publication focuses on the Labour Market in Lebanon gathering a number of key indicators and figures from different sources.

Type of publication: Indicators.
Language: English, Arabic
Format: pdf file size 2.87MB  (Download file: English, Arabic)
Free of charge

SIF 2: Population and housing in Lebanon

This publication focuses on the characteristics of the population and housing in Lebanon, gathering a number of key indicators and figures from different surveys.

Type of publication: Indicators
Language: English. Arabic
Format: Pdf file, size 3.28 Mb (Download file: English, Arabic)
Free of charge

SIF 3: Education in Lebanon

This publication focuses on the characteristics of the education in Lebanon, gathering a number of key indicators and figures from different surveys.

Type of publication: Indicators
Language: English, Arabic
Format: Pdf file, size 2.44 Mb (Download file: English, Arabic)
Free of charge

SIF 4: Children in Lebanon

Type of publication: Indicators

Language: English, Arabic
Format: Pdf file, size 1.5 Mb (Download file: English, Arabic)
Free of charge

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Central Administration of Statistics
Residence of the Council of Ministers, Badaro, Beirut, Lebanon