Time Series
Did you Know?
- In 2018-19, less than 30% of the women working-age resident population have been actively engaged in the labor market
- The overall share of women in managerial positions registered 26.7% in January 2022
- The female unemployment rate (32.7%) was somewhat higher than the male rate (28.4%) in January 2022
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Is to produce relevant and accurate statistics that are comparable over time in compliance with the international and national standards. Read more ...
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Gender Equality in Lebanon
How far are we from Gender Equality in Lebanon? A gender statistical report in partnership between CAS and UNDP highlights how gender disaggregated data could help mainstream gender in national policies and in tracking progress towards achieving gender parity. The report is available in English (PDF).
قرارات إدارية داخلية
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فريق متابعة تنظيم المعلومات الجغرافية GIS
فريق عمل لإنجاز عملية المسح الضوئي للخرائط
فريق عمل لبرنامج المقررات الدولية ICP International Comparison Program
فريق عمل دراسة مؤشر أسعار المنتج لقطاع البناء في لبنان CCI Construction Cost Index
فريق عمل Time Series and Analytic Narratives
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فريق انجاز عملية المسح الضوئي للملفات
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فريق عمل للتواصل مع مستخدمي البيانات الاحصائية