Inflation Rate 2013-2024

Gender Equality in Lebanon

How far are we from Gender Equality in Lebanon?

A gender statistical report in partnership between CAS and UNDP highlights how gender disaggregated data could help mainstream gender in national policies and in tracking progress towards achieving gender parity.

The report is available in English (PDF).



Census of Building CBDE

To download results in Excel for all Lebanon click on: CBDE 2004

The Census of Buildings, Dwellings and Establishments (CBDE) is the key activity of the Central Administration of Statistics resulting the two sampling frame the first of dwellings and the second of establishments. These sampling frames are used to draw all samples to the economic and social surveys.

In general the census covers these topics:

· The number and distribution of buildings in Lebanon and related issues like the number of floors, the outside building material, year of construction, the main use of the building,…

· The number and distribution of dwellings in Lebanon and related issues like the occupation of dwellings, the use, the area,…

· The number and distribution of establishment and related issues like the economic activity, the legal status,…

The census covers all parts of Lebanon and the results aggregated on the level of cazas and mohafazats.

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Central Administration of Statistics
Residence of the Council of Ministers, Badaro, Beirut, Lebanon