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Gender Equality in Lebanon

How far are we from Gender Equality in Lebanon?

A gender statistical report in partnership between CAS and UNDP highlights how gender disaggregated data could help mainstream gender in national policies and in tracking progress towards achieving gender parity.

The report is available in English (PDF).



CAS staff meetings and trainings on Statistics-2010

CAS staff participated and represented Lebanon in several meetings, workshops and trainings on Statistics.


- Ms. Lara BADRE, Sociologist, at the Social Statistics Department participated in the ‘LMI Analysis

Training' organized by the International Training Center (ITC) of the ILO, which was held in Turin, Italy in 24-28 May 2010.

- Ms. Najwa YAACOUB, Statistician, Acting Head of National Account Statistics Department,

participated in the ‘Seminar on the Implementation of the System of National Accounts 2008 in

the Western Asia Region' organized by the UNESCWA and the Gulf Cooperation Council,

in collaboration with the Sultanate of Oman and the UNSD, which was held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman in 23-26 May 2010.

- Mr. Ziad Abdallah, Statistician, Acting Head of IT Department, participated in the ‘Strategic Health

Information System Planning for the EMR countries' organized by the WHO, which was held in Alexandria,  Egypt in 25- 28 May 2010.

- In May 2010, Ms. Najwa YAACOUB, Statistician, Acting Head of National Account Statistics

Department, participated in the ‘Director General Meeting of the National Statistical Institute of the

Mediterranean Partner Countries’ and the ‘European Conference on Quality of Official Statistics’ which was held in Helsenki, Finland.

- In May 2010, Mr. Nader KEYROUZ, Statistician, Acting Head of Production Statistics Department,

participated in the ‘Expert Meeting on Consumer Price Index’ organized by the UNECE in

collaboration with ILO,which was held in Geneva, Switzerland.

- In May 2010, Mr. Nader KEYROUZ, Statistician, Acting Head of Production Statistics Department,

participated in the ‘GDDS–SDDS training’ organized by the Arab Institute for Training and Research in

Statistics (AIRTS) in the collaboration with METAC, which was be held in Amman, Jordan.

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Residence of the Council of Ministers, Badaro, Beirut, Lebanon